// Web Design

Why Mobile Responsive
Website Design is Important?

Nowadays 80% of internet users access websites through various smartphones. We can enable your business site to be accessed on any device or platform of different sizes. Not only you will have a website on every device for your business. It will also be optimized with maximum speed and flexibility.

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// responsibe design

Rules for mobile responsive web design

Provide Simple Navigation

Simple navigation provides an obvious way of moving between screens and finding the desired item.

Make Large Touch Area

Make sure to design control sizes that are easier to tap using the thumb.

Display Large Text

Keep in mind the smaller size of the mobile screen and make your text larger in size.

Use Touch Controls

It is not a good idea to use simple web controls as it is difficult to interact with them on mobile.

Use Simple Forms

Use form controls where typing the text is minimum.

Consistent Experience

If your site/app is present on both web and mobile, provide a consistent experience to the user.

// Mobile design

It’s a Mobile World

With every passing day, mobile becomes more and more important. At FIT, an average client gets about 30% of total traffic from mobile devices. Some clients get 50% or more from mobile.

The reality is that consumer behavior has changed. Users simply don’t use desktop computers. Having a mobile web presence is fundamental for online success.

It isn’t just user experience that makes mobile important, either. Google now is introducing specific algorithmic elements that will make mobile websites rank higher, and will punish websites that don’t offer a strong mobile experience. This is just one more sign of the critical need for businesses to start with mobile strategies.

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Get Mobile Today!

At FIT, we take a mobile-first philosophy in all of our online marketing efforts. If it doesn’t work on mobile, we probably won’t do it. Many of our clients are local businesses, and we’ve been managing mobile marketing efforts for more than half a decade.  If you are looking to start a mobile strategy, or just improve your mobile website, our team can help you.

Contact us for a free mobile strategy consultation.


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